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2-2-09 Veterans Affairs Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
February 2, 2009

1.      Call to Order:  The regular meeting of the Veterans Commission was called to order at 7:06 pm on February 2, 2009 in Town Council Chamber by Bernie Corona.
A.  Roll Call:  Present -  Bernie Corona, Dominic Fulco, Mary-Ann Roczynski, Kirk Allison, Paul Barry.
B.  Pledge of Alliance

C.  Opportunity for Residents to SpeakResident Mary Pellett of Greene Terrace came before the commission to ask questions for her son, who is being discharged soon from the military.  She saw the article in the Reminder about the housing authority offering housing to veterans and had questions answered by the Commission on how to apply for housing at the housing authority, how to apply for the veterans tax exemption through the town and about possible housing available through Goodwin College if her son attends the school.

2.      Approval of Minutes – The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed.

3.      Old Business
A.  Blue Star Banner – Bernie collected the names and addresses of interested parties and purchased 25 banners.  He also wrote a letter to the Mayor requesting her to present them formally to the residents.  Still waiting on response from the Mayor’s office.  Clerk will follow up and report back.
B. Goodwin College – Mary-Ann contacted the college president about coming in to speak to their Veteran’s Affairs Coordinator and the college President.  Since Goodwin College is in transition of moving to a new facility, she will check back at a later date.

4.      New Business  

A.  As a cost savings measure, Secretary Mary-Ann asked the clerk to save on paper and email the agendas and minutes to those members who have email instead of traditional snail mail method.

  • Adjournment – Bernie adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.